Cambium PPPoE Elevator - guide

Cambium PPPoE Elevator - Guidebook

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Cambium Elevate is becoming more and more popular with users, but the migration of a large number of existing clients PPPoE wasn't as easy as we'd like it to be.

Until now! :) Because finally a tool called Cambium PPoE Elevator came out, thanks to which we will improve our network in a very easy and user-friendly way.

The tool is available as a complete package, which consists of the following elements:

1. PPPoE_Elevator_v.01.341.exe - this is the main program to run. This program "catches" all necessary data (device name, hardware type: xm/xw, PPPoE user name, PPPoE password, ssh/password to access the network) using winscp ssh/scp connections from existing subscriber modules, and then creates JSON and PASSWORDS files on this basis.

2. elevator.exe - Elevator tool - created by Dmitry Moiseev, which pushes JSON and PASSWORDS files and updates software on client units.

3. XM/XW - improve software packages 3.4.1

4. Example IP list.txt - example file of address list.

To make it even easier to use this tool, here is a short step by step instruction:

1. Prepare a text file with a list of IP addresses of the devices you want to migrate (one IP address per line). You can also migrate a single IP address.

2. Start the program and load the list of IP addresses by selecting the prepared text file.

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a) target AP SSID and WPA2 key (same values as configured on ePMP AP)

b) community snmp chain (it is recommended to use your own values as this improves protection)

c) target cnmaestro/url IP address. The Cambium identifier and the On boarding key can be either blank or given top-down by cnMaestro

d) optional if you want to change the default LAN settings: and DHCP POOL, we can also reconfigure it.

e) then you need to enter the ssh credentials so that you can log in to all units (login/password mostly the same as you use to log in to the device via web)

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Step 1: Press the GRAB CONFIGURATION button to start capturing data.

On successful completion, go to Step 2.

If the process is not successful you should check what is missing - it may happen that the elevated unit is not accessible - in this case you should press the NEXT button and start again with the next IP.

You can modify the captured/downloaded data if desired.

You can also skip the capture/download procedure if you want to manually configure all parameters, but then the elevated device will have the default Cambium passwords!!

Step 2: Press the JSON GENERATE button to generate the JSON and PASSWORDS configuration files.

If the GENERATE JSON button is not active, the required data is missing.

If after pressing the GENERATE JSON button everything has been correctly generated (configuration files) and we still need to make changes, we can then re-generate the JSON file before elevating the devices. In the bottom information window you will see the latest generated address as:


Step 3: If you are already sure that you want to elevate devices, then you should select - Ready to Elevate - and press ELEVATE! This will "push" the configuration and all passwords and update the unit's software.

Please wait until the updated devices appear on ePMP AP.

You should remember that apart from the parameters entered in the program window, Cambium PPPoE Elevator introduces some important changes:

- will only set channels 20 and 40 MHz for scanning.

- sets the maximum uplink speed to 16QAM3/4 (MCS 12) - to ensure reliable uplink operation in noisy ether.

- will set the distance unit as a kilometer and not as miles

- will set the same password for all users: admin/installer/home/readonly. The password will remain the same as it was before the elevation process - this is the same password that is used to access via ssh, but the username will not be retained!

We should also mention the limitations of version 01.341:

a) The path to the program must be relatively short - do not place the program too deep in the directory structure on the PC.

b) Only port 22 can be used for ssh connections

c) It may also be necessary to modify the firewall and/or file access rights settings for, elevator.exe and the main .exe file in order to run PPPoE_Elevator_v.01.341.exe without problems.

d) The program works only on Windows.


Leszek Błaszczyk

[email protected]


Cambium PPPoE Elevator - Poradnik.pdf pobierz
Device_Elevator_v17.351.exe pobierz
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